Implementasi Sistem Otomatisasi Monitoring Suhu, Kelembapan, dan Amonia pada Kandang Ayam Petelur Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy

  • Muhammad Khoirul Rosikin Politeknik Negeri Jember
  • Lukie Perdanasari Teknologi Informasi
  • Tharixs Akbar Ibnu Azis Teknologi Informasi
  • Nila Amalia Teknologi Informasi
Keywords: ammonia; fuzzy; humidity; internet of things; temperature.


The increase in demand for egg consumption and the high chicken population in Indonesia has not been matched by the maintenance of good chicken coops, this has led to a decrease in the quality of eggs produced. Then an automation system is needed in the chicken coop to control temperature, humidity and ammonia levels. Automatic control is by spraying cooling water and prebiotic liquids. The time in the spraying process is calculated using the fuzzy method to determine the spraying decision. The spraying data on the system is compared with manual fuzzy calculations using confusion matrix calculations to get the accuracy value of spraying on the system. The calculation results show that although the precission in water spraying and prebiotic watering reaches 100%, the recall is still low. This shows that improvements are still needed to improve the accuracy of the tool. However, this automation system still has the potential to assist laying hen farmers in optimizing the cage environment, maintaining the health of laying hens, and increasing productivity effectively and efficiently. With this system, it is hoped that the quality of life and welfare of laying hens can be improved, as well as help farmers manage cages more efficiently.
